Well, today is May 31st. Oh my goodness where did the month go.
I tried to get a drawing or whatever done every day in May, but, alas, not every day got covered. I would continue, but now I am going to start tomorrow with Laure of Painted Thoughts Blog and Imaginary Trips Blog on a new course.
This one is Foundations of Watercolor Art Journaling. I think I got that right. Close anyway. So alas, it is goodbye for now to the EDM's. I am excited about this new adventure.
Below is my final EDM. I am not sure what day or category is fits into. This is actually a wooden sort of giraffe that I made out of wood scraps to use as a teaching example for my third grade classes. It is made up of all different sizes and shapes of wood.
If you will look back at my EDM pear and other works I have posted over the time of my blog, you will notice I love to work with pencil. Especially shading with pencil. Soooo that is what I have done here.
Happy June to Everyone and off on a new adventure.