I have always wanted to be a children's book illustrator, but, never quite got it done. About a year ago I was sharing lunch with a friend, and she said, I am going to do something I have always wanted to do. That was write a children's book. She wanted it to be about the birth of Christ.
My first question was who is going to illustrate it, and she said she didn't know. I told her of my lifelong dream to do the illustrations for a children's book.
At that point we both got excited I am sure everyone eating around us thought we were nuts. It was so ironic, such a Holy Spirit/God thing, and we were so excited.
The book is being self published by us, and is an ABC book of the birth of Christ. I did the pictures for each letter and she did the rhymes. We have sent the first draft to the publisher, and she is now making a few changes with the verses that they suggested.
I am so excited to finally see it in print, only if I make all my relatives and friends by one. It is not something I intend to make big bucks off of, it is just about the experience and being able to do it with a dear friend.
Below is just one of the pictures I did for it, then we decided to go a different direction with that page, so I framed this and gave it to my cousin for Christmas last year.
Sooooo if you ever know of anyone needing an illustrator who is new to all of this but eager, send them my way.