Along with my artwork, my next favorite thing to do is needlework. I started years ago with needlepoint, moved to counted cross stitch, and now that my eyes are not as good am back to a form of needlepoint again. I do still occasionally do some counted cross stitch, but, not on the tiny linen I used to.
This pillow is a pattern designed by needlework artist Laura Perin. She has a wonderful blog. What this kind of work is called is counted needlepoint. I loved using the metallic threads, the quilt like pattern and the colors.
This piece was done mostly with perle cotton floss, in long stitches. The triangles around the outside are done in a variegated floss that makes a great look.
Laura also has some amazing photography on her blog that you will really enjoy. For some reason when I click on the link to her blog, Firefox comes up saying it cannot connect . If that happens go to my List of Blogs I visit and scroll down to Two Handed Stitcher and you will get there. I am new at this linking, so it was probably something I did.
I am just glad to finally have finished it and have it finished into a pillow ready to grace my couch.