Well, today is May 31st. Oh my goodness where did the month go.
I tried to get a drawing or whatever done every day in May, but, alas, not every day got covered. I would continue, but now I am going to start tomorrow with Laure of Painted Thoughts Blog and Imaginary Trips Blog on a new course.
This one is Foundations of Watercolor Art Journaling. I think I got that right. Close anyway. So alas, it is goodbye for now to the EDM's. I am excited about this new adventure.
Below is my final EDM. I am not sure what day or category is fits into. This is actually a wooden sort of giraffe that I made out of wood scraps to use as a teaching example for my third grade classes. It is made up of all different sizes and shapes of wood.
If you will look back at my EDM pear and other works I have posted over the time of my blog, you will notice I love to work with pencil. Especially shading with pencil. Soooo that is what I have done here.
Happy June to Everyone and off on a new adventure.
Happy Memorial Day to all. Hope everyone has a safe , fun and relaxing holiday.
I received a wonderful surprise yesterday, a blog award from a great friend. I have and am having a very hectic weekend working all day Sat, Sun and today at PetsMart, so this gift was so appreciated. It reminds me of all my new found and wonderful blog friends.
I am sure many of you are familiar with Laure of Painted Thoughts: Laure was my first "blog friend". Laure is a wonderful artist, teacher, and friend. I thank her for this gift and for her sharing.
Now I am suppose to share ten things about myself... I love to read and have way too many books....I love to go to new places and would love to go to Ireland and Scotland...I used to be an avid counted cross stitcher, but spend more time doing art now...I insist on doing the cross word from the newspaper every day... I love to watch CBS Sunday Morning show...I have two wonderful sons, 25 & 29.... I would love to live by the ocean on either coast... I live by myself with all my clutter all over...I am a retired art teacher...and, like Laure I love to go out to eat for breakfast.... Thank you again Laure.
Now, I would like to share some blogs with you.
Katherine of Katherine Thomas: She is a elementary school teacher, an amazing colored pencil artist and someone who I am sure is glad summer vacation is here ......
Martha of Art de Jour by Martha Lever: Well, first off it is fun to find another Martha, there are not many of us out there anymore. Martha has a wonderful little corgi dog, a red shed second studio, and does amazing things with stencils and spray paint.
Laurel of Studio Lolo: I am sure many of you are familiar with her blog. Laurel is fun, talented, does amazing and different things with her art work, and is always there with a compliment for yours.
Julie of A Succulent Life: has the most amazing pictures of her flowers, gardens, and all kinds of succulents you have ever seen. I love her gardens done in the center of old tires.
Lori of Elvie Studio: I love all the cute, colorful, and creative things Lori does. It is always so fun to see what she comes up with next.