Friday, March 12, 2010

Creativity and Dog Training.. . . .

"I have been terrified every day of my life,
but that
has never stopped me from doing
I wanted to do."
Georgia O'Keeffe

Well, I have been absent from here since Monday. I just have had such a crazy two weeks learning to be a Pet Obedience Trainer. It was and is very fun. Lots of really cute dogs, nice "pet parents" and also some pretty wacky and overly excited dogs and pet parents.

You learn alot about people when you are working with them and their pets. There a many different personalities that come out. There are those who want to really listen to what you are teaching them, those who think they already know it all, those who you never hardly hear say a word and those who behave almost worse than their dogs.

Learning to train dogs reminds me alot of being an artist. With dogs and their pet parents you are creating a bond between them, a better pet for everyone to be around and a feeling of accomplishment for yourself and those you teach.

Likewise in art you are creating a bond with people you may not even know who enjoy your work or also creating their own work, you are achieving a feeling of accomplishment with your work and trying something new, and you are becoming a better person even if you don't realize it.

Creativity comes in many forms, and is in everything and every part of our lives. Often we don't ever see it or don't quite look hard enough and miss out on some unbelievable opportunities.

Take this next week to look harder at the people, places and things around you and how they affect your creativity and how you can improve someone's life with what you create or teach them to create.

Until next time, keep on looking. Here are some of my creative endeavors that might inspire you to do something of your own. A little of this a little of that.

I had fun making Mr. Mouse.

Just a little doodle !!!

I made 25 of these for a dinner at my church.

This says " Nature God's Art"
also done in the class on art and spirituality.

This was part of a class I took on art and spirituality.

One of my favorite things to do is to make banners for church occasions.


  1. So are you training the dogs or the "pet parents"?!

    Beautiful artwork - you're very versatile in your work too!

  2. I actually train the pet parents and their dogs at the same time. I basically teach them how to train their dogs. It is so much fun.

  3. Nice job on the mouse. Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed browsing thru yours.

  4. Guess It is hard to train the owners..... ;)
    Love that mouse!

  5. Hi thanks for your visit and comment. Good luck with the training, especially the owners...haha.

    I enjoyed browsing your art. The mouse is really sweet and I love the Celtic knotwork.

  6. It sounds like the job is suiting you!

    I really love that colorful mouse and the hand drawing. Nice!!

  7. love those doodles! i'm totally drawn (so to speak) with objects that are filled with intricate details and lots of color!

  8. Sounds like you are finding yourself, good for you keep it up.

  9. Your mouse is all the patterns and color...You certainly are artisitc in so many areas...Fun post! :)

  10. hi martha! congrats on becoming a pet obedience trainer.....i loved your description of the different types of owners, and i think i've actually met a few of the one's who act worse than their pets!! your artwork is lovely.....i LOVE your hand doodle, and your piece about "pruning to bear fruit" speaks to my heart! thanks so much for stopping by my's great to meet you! :))

  11. Hi Martha, thanks for looking at my blog and being inspired! That's what this lark is all about after all :-)
    You seem to be doing well, it's a steep learning curve - life and blogging.
    I love the doodles and will have a better look for myself.

  12. I love your thoughts about how our creativity can affect others, and how their presence affects our own creativity. And... I've been training a new puppy for almost a year now...
    I'll be back! Thank you for the nice comments on my blog!
